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Review of Carol Levin, The Reign and Life of Queen Elizabeth I: Politics, Culture, and Society (Palgrave MacMillan, 2022)

Carole Levin’s contribution is a move away from a recent focus on cultural aspects of Elizabeth’s reign, such as Cole’s The Portable Queen: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Ceremony (University of Massachusetts Press, 2000) or very specific investigations of aspects of the queen herself, an example being Evans’ interdisciplinary The Language of Queen Elizabeth I: a sociolinguistic perspective on royal style and identity (Blackwell, 2013), to a broad view of Elizabeth in both her political and her private context.

New book ‘1000 Tudor People’ out now

Monarchs and magicians, politicians and philosophers, kings, criminals, musicians, and gardeners: learn about one thousand men and women from all walks of life who flourished during the Tudor period. 

About the book: New Book