1000 Tudor People
Monarchs and magicians, politicians and philosophers, kings, criminals, musicians, and gardeners: learn about one thousand men and women from all walks of life who flourished during the Tudor period.
Another of the Tudor Times Books of Days, which I co-authored, this one focuses on the long reign and fascinating life of Queen Elizabeth I.
Hugely informative and stunningly produced, the Queen Elizabeth I Book of Days pairs a practical perpetual diary with a wealth of material on the life and times of the last Tudor queen, Elizabeth I (1533-1603), one of England’s most iconic and celebrated monarchs. Each of the 365 days of the calendar year has the date, but not the day, of the month, allowing the owner to record their own events and reminders over many years.
Every day an event important in Elizabeth's life is highlighted, and there is an index of people and events, giving more details. At the front, there is a biography of Elizabeth, some interesting facts and one of her sonnets, and each month, one event is covered in depth, alongside information about palaces and castles that were the backdrops to the queen's long reign.
Monarchs and magicians, politicians and philosophers, kings, criminals, musicians, and gardeners: learn about one thousand men and women from all walks of life who flourished during the Tudor period.
Henry VIII and his Daughter Mary
Mary Tudor has always been known as ‘Bloody Mary’, the name given to her by later Protestant chroniclers who vilified her for attempting to re-impose Roman Catholicism in England. Recently, more nuanced accounts of Mary's life have been written, but many now portray her as 'tragic' Mary, which is not necessarily a complete picture either.
Friends & Foes of Kings
The Grey family was one of mediaeval England’s most important dynasties, serving the kings of England as sheriffs, barons and military leaders from the reign of William the Conqueror.