1000 Tudor People
Monarchs and magicians, politicians and philosophers, kings, criminals, musicians, and gardeners: learn about one thousand men and women from all walks of life who flourished during the Tudor period.
A beautiful journal combining gardening and Tudor history, which I co-authored with my Tudor Times colleague. It's definitely my personal favourite of the Tudor Times books, as I enjoy gardening. Researching it was fascinating, and one day, I am going to try to have a Shakespeare Garden.
The Tudor Book of the Garden is a beautifully designed, but practical, garden journal for the twenty-first century gardener, which also shares information about Tudor gardens and gardeners.
Tudor people from all ranks of society loved their gardens not just as providers of food, medicine and household necessities, but also as havens of peace and beauty, just as we do today, and the Tudor Book of the Garden will help you create your own Tudor garden.
Monarchs and magicians, politicians and philosophers, kings, criminals, musicians, and gardeners: learn about one thousand men and women from all walks of life who flourished during the Tudor period.
Henry VIII and his Daughter Mary
Mary Tudor has always been known as ‘Bloody Mary’, the name given to her by later Protestant chroniclers who vilified her for attempting to re-impose Roman Catholicism in England. Recently, more nuanced accounts of Mary's life have been written, but many now portray her as 'tragic' Mary, which is not necessarily a complete picture either.
Friends & Foes of Kings
The Grey family was one of mediaeval England’s most important dynasties, serving the kings of England as sheriffs, barons and military leaders from the reign of William the Conqueror.